Well, first off, CARTER HAS BEEN SPASM FREE FOR FIVE MONTHS AND FOUR DAYS!!!!! It's incredible how different he is with the spasms and hyps gone. So far, things with his health couldn't be any better! The doctors seem very impressed with his progression.....considering his diagnoses.
The cardiologist informed us that his rhabdomyoma have dissolved (small nonmalignant tumors on his heart). Which was also a huge blessing.
Carter is now sitting up along with army crawling!! He can get onto all fours and rock back and forth, but isn't quite crawling yettt. He is also grasping the concept of pulling himself up on things, which is also a big step for him. He drinks from a sippy cup, and can eat almost anything I give him now such as mack and cheese, granola bars, oatmeal, rice, etc.... I'm very lucky he's not a picky eater haha.
AHHHH! My little boy also turned ONEEEE!!!! How darn exciting was thattt?! I had a blasttt planning his party with Lindell. We stayed up way too late making his snacks though. lol. Oh goodness did he love that cake or whattt?!
We have moved from Indy to Anderson, because Jake and I felt that was a necessary move for our family. I was faced with a difficult decision recently though..... I reallyyyyy hated my job in Indy, but I wasn't sure if we could afford for me to stay home with Carter.....But Jake and I evaluated our financial situation, and I am now able to stay home with Carter and focus on our little family. So far, Jake and I's relationship has grown sooo much, and I feel a lot closer with him, along with my little baby boy. Before I felt as if I didn't get enough time with him...like I was missing out on his progression, but now....I get to see every little accomplishment he is making, and it couldn't make me any happier to be home with him!!!
I know some people may not agree with my decision of staying home with Carter, but I feel that it's best for everyone. Jake, Carter, including myself. These precious times with Carter are only going to happen once, and I realized that if I can be home with him more, I'm going to be there. He is my life, he is what means the most to me, he is my everything. So I want to see that little smile as many times as I can, and watch each and every milestone!
No matter what....my family will always mean the most to me.
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