Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I'm Suchhhh a Lazy Blogger. Haha

Okay, where to begin.....

First off, Carter has been spasm free for..*drum roll pleaseee*...9 MONTHS AND 7 DAYS!!! It's hard to believe he is almost one and a half now! Time has definitely flown by recently. He is in the process of weaning off of the Sabril right now, and so far so good. :) No spasms, no nothing. I'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch but I'm reallyyyy praying that the spasms are gone for good. We haven't done an EEG recently, so I'm anxious to make sure that the hyps. are gone for good also.

To sum up Carter's accomplishment: He is now walking....EVERYWHERE! (He started walking at the beginning of October) Attempting and sometimes accomplishing putting a ball in a hole. (For other mothers with special needs children, they realize that is A BIG step. :) He has picked up more babbling such as "na,na" Almosttt able to walk up stairs by himself. BOTTLE FREE!! Drinking from a straw cup with occasional leaking. Less oral (another huge step for Carter)

As you can tell, Carter has came a long way! He is meeting with an OT, PT, and soon to be ST. I cannot waitttt to meet his new speech therapist! I can tell that Carter is getting frustrated because he doesn't understand how to say words and I'm hoping that he picks up quickly with the new therapist.

Recently, I don't think I've seen Carter any happier. He has been so bubbly and rambunctious that I can hardly keep up with him. And I truthfully don't mind at all. :) Being almost med free has shown me his true personality. And let me tell ya, he's quite the character. :D

P.S. Thisssss is what happens when I let Jake pick out his outfit. Lol. Never let a man do a woman's job. Haha


Speaking of Jake.....I just want to add in that he is the most amazing friend, father, and boyfriend that I could EVER dream of. I've gotta admit....I think Carter and I are spoiled. :)

Carter RUNS to him every time he gets home from work, and cries when he has to leave for class. It's sooooooooooooooo adorable.

I wouldn't know what to do without Jake, that's for sure. He's always been there to pick me up with I'm down or overwhelmed and for that I will always be truly grateful.